Senin, 09 Oktober 2017

Expressions Formal and Informal Conversation On the Telephone 

        There are several ways to start a conversation on the telephone by using English.  In this conversation will be discussed about the expressions to start and end with formal and informal greeting in the phone by using English.

- Formal Greeting is a greeting used in official circumstances or an official event is also commonly used when we start a conversation with the person we just met

- Informal Greetings used to greet friends or friends of the same age without any age difference

* Example for Expressions Formal Conversation On the Phone

Official talks:
- Good morning/good afternoon…
- I would like to speak Mr Lee.
- Diana speaking!
- Is Mr Winter available?
- Can you put me through to Mr Kim?

Received an official call:
- Who is calling please?
- Mr Jo’s office

When finish talking:
- Thank you for ringing
- Thank you for your call
- Thanks for phoning

* Example for Expressions Informal Convertation On the Phone

When you are a caller:
- Hello?
- Is that Money?
- Can I speak to Jessy?
- May I speak to Jessy?

When you are a receiver:
- This is Money speaking, who’s that?
- Who’s speaking please?
- Who’s calling please?

When you ask the caller to wait:
- One moment please.
- Just a minute please.
- Hold on please.
- Hang on please.

When calling the wrong number:
- I’m afraid you got the wrong number
- Sorry, I think you reach the wrong number

When finish talking:
- Nice talking to you
- Talk to you later

*Example conversation on the phone using the English language

Sisi  :"Thanks for calling Z Hotel. Sisi Speaking."

Ira     :"Hello. I'm interested in booking a room for the December long weekend."
Sisi  :"Yes, we have a few vacancies left for 27th until 29th of December."
Ira    :"Okay, that'll be fine. Do you have any room with double bed?"
Sisi   :"Yes we have. The rate for that weekend is two thousand rupiahs per night."
Ira    :"Great! I take it."
Sisi   :"Allright. Who's name will the reservation be listed under?"
Ira    :"Ira Jessica"
Sisi   :"Could you spell ypur name for me, please?"
Ira     :"Oh sure, I-R-A-J-E-S-S-I-C-A."
Sisi   :"And is there a phone number where you can be contacted?"
Ira     :"Yes, my phone number is 0-8-1-7-0-7-5-9-2-7-6."
Sisi   :"Okay, we need your credit card information to reserve the room for you."
Ira     :"Mandiri. The number is 9-7-1-8-9-9-2 and the name that card is Ira Jessica."
Sisi   :"Allright, I'll repeat your credit card information. Mandiri, the number is 9-7-1-8-9-9-2 and name that card is Ira Jessica."
Ira     :"Okay thank you so much."
Sisi   :"Your're welcome. Have a nice day Mam!"
